Tom, Lance and Vance are prepping for their fundraiser.. SO they’re gonna talk movies, and uh… read some news. — Watch live at
Archive for the ‘Podcast Videos’ Category

Podcast Night: Gamescon and The Taken King!

Join Chuck, Vance, Mandi, and Steve as they talk about Salt Lake City Gaming Con, and Destiny’s The Taken King Expansion — Watch live at

Episode 69- It’s Casual Bro

Lance, Tom, Steve and Randy assemble to discuss casual gaming and the trap of free games.

Patch Ya Later Man!

Vance, Tom, Lance and Arthur want to talk about patches. Are they all bad? Did the changes to Darkest Dungeon help? Is patching a fighting game ok? Where does it all end?! WHAT DOES IT MEAN?! Sound off in the comments below and catch us next Wednesday on twitch.

Rage of Dragons Kickstarter Interview and waxing philosophical.

Lance, Tom and Steve are joined by Rico Cordova of Rock Solid Box to discuss their new kickstarter campaign, “Rage of Dragons”. The crew then waxes philosophical on what theyre currently playing, and what’s coming up. As always sound off in the comments and follow us on on twitch.

OMFG Modding and Splatoon!

The crew is joined this week by @theturnipmaster, Peter Christiansen. Tom, Lance, Steve and Vance spend their time discussing the world of game mods, and then grilling Peter about his adventures in Splatoon.

Kickstartering Batman in the Butt

Tom finally played Batman, the crew is confused about Kickstarters

E3 2015 Our Favorite Things

Tom, Lance, Mandy, Jacob and Randall discuss their favorite happenings from E3 2015. Is this the crews favorite year?

Bloodborne, Battlefield, and Gaming Soundtracks

What’s your favorite soundtrack?

FANX 2015 Aftermath

Fan X 2015 has come and gone and the crew was out in full force. Chuck and Tom were on such panels as, “What Makes Games Good” and “Final Fantasy: The Ultimate RPG”. The crews new friend Aaron Hastings from Lord of the Laser Sword joins the episode this week to wrap up the con. […]